Andromeda Mod Wiki

Luminary Flare is an unlockable passive item from the Andromeda mod.


  • Grants a sun that appears in the center of each room.
  • While there are enemies in the room, it has a chance to shoot a powerful solar flare in a random direction.
  • Enemies that get near the sun are burned.
    • Burn damage from the sun slightly increases with your damage.


  • BFFS! - Increases the sun's burn damage and its radius.
  • Forgotten Lullaby - Increases the frequency of solar flares.
  • Baby-Bender - Solar flares have homing.
  • Multiple copies of Luminary Flare will make each sun orbit the center of the room like a multi-star system.


  • The sun emits a considerable amount of light which nullifies the effect of Curse of Darkness.



  • A solar flare is an eruption of electromagnetic radiation in the sun's atmosphere.
  • Solar flares that are strong enough can sometimes cause radio frequencies to completely black out.